Subhanallah!! Paderi bersama 130 jemaah gereja Filipina lafaz syahadah serentak.

Keseluruhan jamaah gereja baru saja mengucapkan shahadah di Balasan (Iloilo, Filipina) bersama Pakar Outreach IERA Malaysia Fadhli Burhan dan Masjid IORM serta Pusat Dakwah Rahima (sebuah organisasi dawah Filipina).

Bermakna, lebih kurang 130 ahli gereja memeluk Islam, termasuklah paderi mereka, setelah menerima mesej yang disampaikan dengan penuh rahmah.

Menurut IERA, saudara – saudara baru tersebut tidak hanya ditinggalkan begitu saja.

“Sebagai contoh, kami tidak hanya membuat ucapan shahadah besar – besaran, rakam video dan meninggalkan mereka begitu saja. Kami miliki tindakan yang diambil untuk memastikan berlaku penjagaan rapi terhadap mereka. Kami melatih Muslim setempat dengan latihan yang cukup untuk membimbing saudara baru menjalani kehidupan awal mereka”.

Sabr Abd Jalil yang merupakan pengasas dan presiden IORM menyampaikan syarahan mengenai sejarah Muslim di Filipina. Fadhli Burhan membantu merancang, menyusun dan melaksanakan program dakwah setempat.

Mereka semua telah mengambil nombor setiap individu yang mengucapkan shahadah dan telah merancang untuk mengikuti rapat perkembangan mereka.

Sebelum itu, 215 penduduk kampung di Filipina juga memeluk Islam juga hasil daripada usaha dakwah pasukan IERA dan tenaga dakwah setempat.

Berikut sumber berita asal daripada iERA’S :-

An Entire church congregation just took their shahadah in Balasan (Iloilo, Philippines) with iERA’s Malaysian Outreach Specialist Fadhli Burhan and IORM Masjid and Rahima Da’wah Center (a local Filipino Dawah organisation). That’s approximately 130 members of the congregation embracing Islam — along with the in-house Pastor — after accepting the message when it was conveyed to them with peace and compassion.

At iERA, New Muslim empowerment is not taken lightly — for example; we do not just take multiple shahadas when they are proclaimed, record a video and let them be. We have measures in place to ensure there is a thorough follow-up process for necessary steps to be taken. In this case, providing the local Muslim community with the appropriate training on how to further New Muslims in the early stages of their journey and not let their development stagnate.

Sabr Abd Jalil the founder and president of IORM delivered a lecture about the history of Muslims in the Philippines. Fadhli Burhan helped to plan, organise and execute the Dawah Program within the area. They have noted all the contact details of the individuals who took their shahada and have arranged a follow up for them. The next steps to follow would be to contact a local mosque within the vicinity of the New Muslims, organising training and distributing more New Muslim materials to the community.


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